Legends of Eld

If you were one of the many fortunate souls who found themselves enamoured by the Viera's fantastical tales then you might find that these are not quite the stuff of legends after all, oh no, quite the opposite. These were all but fabled rumors and childrens stories. They were recollections, glimpses into the past of a long forgotten era, the heritage and ancestry upon which Nevra's family was born.

Welcome to Lesalia

The flame's have since dimmed, a crowd of whispers fade to silence and leave the crackling of embers tickling your ears as a mothers worn yet delicate voice spurs out to you. She takes you back, far beyond your memories, far beyond your fathers and his fathers. You see it now, a prosperous and proud nation, a bustling city amidst the Ivalice Kingdom.
Welcome to Lesalia, the capitol of Ivalice.

(This screenshot is from FFXII and is of Rabanastre in that games universe. I am simply using it as a loose representation of FFXIV's Lesalia based on the similarities of architecture and region)

Within the beating heart of this beautiful city lie a quaint little home, not too different from the one you currently sit in now! Inside that home was one man's dream, his backbone, everything he had....his family. The family stood out amongst the rest of the townsfolk, two large ears and nearly standing a head higher than most, although the father was not quite as tall as his lovely wife. The man was a leatherworker, his wife the merchant of his wares. Despite such a small family, business was constant and everyone had their role to play, even the child! The Maybach's were practically a name brand within every home, their family crest sewed and etched into every fabric and textile that left their shop. The Viera family even crafting wares for the royal family and their personnel!
(Again, this art is of the Rabanastre set in FFXII's world and not of FXIV. It is used as loose representation for the time being)

Generations move on and still the artisan blood remains within each family, leaving their renowned mark upon the world, creating legends, and striving to better the world they live in. From their Golmoran homes, cursed upon as outsiders and forbidden from their homeland, to the Imperial Capitol of Mullonde, then Lesalia, to Rabanstre and now Ishgard. The Maybach family have survived and continued to spread their craft to the four corners of the globe.

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